Presentation of the association RESSOURCE

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Aims :

RESSOURCE has two associative and user-friendly aim :

1) : to perform theological, historical, technical, sociological, musical.... research from the message of Dozule

2) to publish sources of our cultures and our country as the life goes.

- to provide a way of expression to the people who don't have any,

- to go deeper into what we like most, and to make it known,

- to pass on the memory and beauty.

Activities :

RESEARCH : on 4 December 1992, a working party, that has been constituted to study the feasibility of the Glorious Cross of DOZULE (738m), and of the Sanctuary of Reconciliation of nations and Churchs, joined the association, because it found an aim that matches with this project and a favourable spirit for an efficient work.
Mensual meetings, open to all members of the association, punctuate the symbolic, technical or historic research work. It provides a place for dialogue and maturation with the presence of guests of variated and complementary skills : architects, surveyor,engineer, politicians, lawyers ...

PUBLISHING : during summer 1994 the owners of the place of Pilgrimage asked to publish at the price of 10FF (2US$) all the messages given to Madeleine AUMONT. Then RESSOURCE published on 14th September 1994 its first book : " Etre mon Aptôtre... "(" Be my Apostle... "), 10 000 copies in French, and other in English, Italian, German, Hebrew, Indonesian, Tamoul. Other copies in Arab and in Dutch are being translated.

Other books were too published with low prices : all the work is unpaid.

RESSOURCE REVIEW : a quartely review (with special issues) is published.

An INTERNET location makes the principal texts available on the WEB.

SUMMER UNIVERSITY : some members who used to share free summer days wanted to extend this sharing from leisure to personal deep culture. Then the Summer University is born, open space with essential values that make human being grow. Since 1993, interested people can take part or assist to fifteen conferences about various thema, in mostly from men, places or thema that spoke to us or helped us to live.

BINDING : a workgroup has been constitued at the beginning of the association. People can learn the art of binding, and they can bind douments that they enjoy.

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Go to :
English Index , Table of messages

Messages 1 to 10 ; 11 to 20 ; 21 to 30 ; 31 to 40 ; 41 to 50
books and purchase order,
Map and practical advices,
Glorious Cross architecture and symbolism,
Sanctuary of Reconciliation architecture and symbolism
General Index