The Glorious Cross of Dozulé


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The Glorious Cross of Dozulé

Diapositive PPT

Diapositive PPT

We will see how Dr A.J. Davenport contributed to overcome this fear through a 10 years work

The story began with Madeleine Aumont on March 28 1972 in Dozulé (Normandy)

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And furthermore : The arms of the Cross must be oriented from East to West. Each arm must measure 123 m and its hight six times more 738 m high

Following Fatima in 1917, Lourdes in 1958 Poland in 1930, and before Medjugorje presently together with so many places, It would require a special conference to deal with Dozule’s message 1972-1982.

until, two Canadians, Luc André Biron and his friend Gérard Cordonnier put the spotlight on it by publication

In 1992, Mr Daniel Blanchard of Normandy and 20 other persons began the feasability study within association

With God’s help and the scientific approach of Ressource & CTICM the project raised with a great symbolic strength

It became necessary to build some models ...

The CSTB engineers were maybe afraid the sky would fall on their head ...

1995 : preliminary wind climate model with predicted 50 years wind speed at the top based on full scale measurement 1996 : building scale model of 3 sections of the cross and testing it in the BLW 2001 : modelisation with ice and new calculation

We met several times with Dr Davenport along our technical studies : 1993 Ressource => First choices and drawing 1994 CTICM => Statics feasability 1994 Exterieur Nuits => Light and illumination study 1995 BLWTL => Wind survey and modelisation 1995 Welding institute => Iron recommandations 1995 Techsol => Geophysical measurements 1996 CEBTP => Geotechnical survey, hydraulic borings, soil analysis, 1996 BLWTL => model building and testing and 1st dynamic calculation 1997 SIMECSOL => Foundation modelisation and calculation 1997 Géodynamique & str. => Sismic survey and calculation 1997 EDF => Icing on electrical structures 1998 BACHY => Foundation making study 1999 Ressource => Detailed drawing of the Cross 2000 SOCOTEC => Detailed modelisation and calculation 2001 BLWTL => Icing study and new dynamic calculation He put us into contact with valuable engineers : Dr Baldwin and Knoll (CN Tower)

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Where are we now ?

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