We met several times with Dr Davenport along our technical studies : 1993 Ressource => First choices and drawing 1994 CTICM => Statics feasability 1994 Exterieur Nuits => Light and illumination study 1995 BLWTL => Wind survey and modelisation 1995 Welding institute => Iron recommandations 1995 Techsol => Geophysical measurements 1996 CEBTP => Geotechnical survey, hydraulic borings, soil analysis, 1996 BLWTL => model building and testing and 1st dynamic calculation 1997 SIMECSOL => Foundation modelisation and calculation 1997 Géodynamique & str. => Sismic survey and calculation 1997 EDF => Icing on electrical structures 1998 BACHY => Foundation making study 1999 Ressource => Detailed drawing of the Cross 2000 SOCOTEC => Detailed modelisation and calculation 2001 BLWTL => Icing study and new dynamic calculation He put us into contact with valuable engineers : Dr Baldwin and Knoll (CN Tower)

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