Apparitions 41 42 43 44 44A 45 46 47 48 49 50


"Sixth Day"

"I will receive children and humble souls

into the abode of My Heart, so that they maintain

the special affection of Our Heavenly Father"

December 30, 1975, 5:30 p.m. - Sixth day

The Light came first.

Christ lingered a little before coming; He appeared to me only when I got down on my knees before the Light.

Red and white rays came from His Heart.

He held out His right hand toward the audience and said:

"The sixth day,

"I will receive children and humble souls into the abode of My heart, so that they maintain the special affection of Our Father in Heaven."

"Our Father", which I said alone along with the three "Hail Mary", then:

"For the sake of Your sorrowful Passion, Lord..."; "Glory to God..."; "Peace and Joy..."; "Make the Sign of the Cross."

Maybe I would forget if Jesus didn't say it for me every time.

Then Jesus disappeared.



"Seventh Day"

"Go tell the magistrate of this town that God entrusts him

to donate to the Church the land which must become Hers"

December 31, l975, 5:15 p.m. - Seventh day

I saw the Light. Jesus appeared as usual, His hands held out toward me; He put His left hand on His Heart from which came red and white rays; He held out His hand toward the audience.

I repeated what He said to me:

"The seventh day,

"I will grant graces of all kinds on those who, knowing My
Message, will persevere to the end."

"Our Father..."; "Hail Mary..." (three times).

"For the sake of Your sorrowful Passion, Lord..."

"Glory to God..."; "Peace and Joy on earth to the men that He

At this moment, the rays disappeared. His robe fell back in place and His hands again reached out to me.

Without specifying that I was to repeat, Jesus said to me:

"In three days, go tell the magistrate of this town that Jesus of Nazareth has triumphed over death, that His Reign is Eternal, and that He is coming to conquer the world and time.

If he asks you who sent you, you will tell him that it is Jesus of
the Son of Man risen from the dead.

Take the Message to him, so that he is aware of it."

Tell him that God entrusts him to donate to the Church the land
must become Hers."

I said to Jesus: "But what if I am not well received?"

Jesus smiled at me and said:

"He will appear rough, but his heart will be transformed; it's just
his dignity that won't let
it show."

I answered: "Lord, I will do Your will." Jesus disappeared.

The priest was absent during this apparition. Upon his return, Sister Bruno transmitted the Message to him that she had written in his absence.

I really did intend to go find the mayor, as Jesus had asked of me, but the priest, again, forbade me to go.

Monsignor was absent, and I couldn't do anything without asking his opinion.

Whom should I obey? Christ or the Church?

It was the second time that I disobeyed Jesus.

The priest prevents me each time, but I also know that obedience has its value.

This particular day, I don't know why, but I went to the chapel. I came out again completely at peace.

I had just found peace, and I decided not to do anything without permission of the priest, of the Church (13).



"Eighth Day"

"I will relieve the souls in Purgatory.

My Blood will soothe their burns"

January 1, 1976, 5:40 p.m. - Eighth day

The Light, then I immediately saw Jesus bring His left hand to His Heart from which came red and white rays. I believe that the red ones are more numerous; they are like blood which spurts from a source, the Source of Life. They are alive, rising lightly and spreading as they fall, a little like sprinklers on a lawn; they are constantly regenerating themselves.

Like the previous days, I repeated out loud what Jesus said to me:

"The eighth day,

I will relieve the souls in Purgatory, My blood will soothe their burns."

"Our Father...",

"Hail Mary..." (three times),

"For the sake of Your sorrowful Passion, Lord..."

"Glory to God in the highest." (at this moment, Jesus raised His eyes into the distance),

"Peace and Joy on earth to the men He loves."

Then, Jesus withdrew His hand from His heart and the rays disappeared like the previous times.

He said: "Make the Sign of the Cross", He smiled at me and disappeared.



"Ninth Day"

"I will rekindle the most hardened hearts, the frozen souls,

those who wound My Heart most painfully"

Friday, January 2, l976, 5:53 p.m. - Ninth day

It is the ninth and last day of the novena.

The Light, then Jesus appeared as usual, red and white rays coming from His Heart.

I repeated out loud what He said to me:

"The ninth day,

"I will rekindle the most hardened hearts, the frozen souls, those who wound My Heart most painfully."

"Our Father...", "Hail Mary..." (three times),

"For the sake of Your sorrowful Passion...", "Glory to God...", "Peace and Joy...".

Then Jesus told me:

"Say this aloud", and I repeated every sentence after Him:

"I promise the souls who go to repent at the foot of the Glorious Cross and who say every day the prayer that I taught them, that in this life, Satan will have no more power over them, and that for an entire lifetime of sin, in an instant, they will become pure and will be sons of God for Eternity.

My Father, whose Kindness is infinite, wants to save mankind which is on the edge of the abyss.

By this ultimate Message, you must prepare yourselves.

Make the Sign of the Cross" (which I did).

Then Jesus lowered His hands and told me (without specifying that I should repeat it out loud):

"Without saying a word, meditate in your heart the words that you have heard.

Despite the time which passes, your faith must remain unshakable."

Jesus smiled at me for a long time and disappeared.

And so ended these marvelous nine days.

The last Words that Jesus had just said to me led me to believe that I would not see Him again for some time. The days, weeks, and months elapsed. Jesus did not appear again. His Message is, no doubt, finished.

But, despite the Message that Jesus asked be announced to the world and that the Church is instructed to recognize, I remain in the great Peace that Jesus gave me before leaving me.

But, I pray for those who have been instructed to announce such a serious Message from Jesus to the world.

I pray for those who doubt. May Jesus enlighten them, so that the prophetic Words of Jesus, which came from my mouth, be heard, and that what He asked be achieved.

...Oh, My God, Thy Kingdom come.

But, before that, have Your Message spread to the whole world, so that the prayer that You taught me may be said with great faith and great confidence in every home of our small Earth.

Lord, spread the treasures of Your Infinite Mercy on the whole world. Amen.

Jesus is always present in my heart, especially after every Communion. Since April 12, 1970, Jesus has still been making Himself known for me in the consecrated Host.

When He told me one day: "I will visit you until the Glorious Cross is raised", perhaps it is in this way that He will continue to visit me, for after every Communion, I feel His Presence and this marvelous Joy that He gives me.

After every Communion, I ask Jesus, in a prayer that I composed with the help of the Holy Spirit:

My Lord and My God,

Make known to all those who receive You in Holy Communion, the spiritual Joy that You gave me,

May they draw from each Communion, as I do, the real joys of Your Presence,

Give to all who receive You, this marvelous Love, this inexplicable Joy that I have had for some months,

Make all who communicate with me feel the same love and enthusiasm for my Lord, Jesus. Amen.



"I did not feel like I was taken to Heaven

as I do when Jesus appears to me"

So, Friday, December 10, 1976, I invited Gérard to come to the chapel.

After twenty minutes of meditation, I saw "Michael, the Archangel" come out of the wall to the left of the Tabernacle. He told me:

"I greet you. Tell Gérard that it is he that I am addressing:

Gérard, you who have welcomed the Message with so much love,
do whatever your conscience dictates after each meditation.

Let yourself be guided by God.

Those who do not want to listen to the message (15) will not be
called sons of God."

I was indeed in the chapel, I did not feel like I was taken to Heaven as I do when Jesus appears to me. (16)



"He gives His Grace to all those who listen to Him

and blesses those who make His Message known

and put it into practice"

Friday, July 1, 1977

The priest had left for Caen (or Bayeux) to see the Bishop. Sister Bruno was absent, also. This time, I was alone with Mrs. T. in the chapel.

A rumbling noise, and Michael, the Archangel, appeared to the left of the Blessed Sacrament. I knelt before him, but He signaled to me with his left hand, which was free, to go up toward the Blessed Sacrament.

So, I stepped back, and the moment I got down on my knees before It, the Blessed Sacrament cast red and white rays so that I could no longer see It.

Jesus was indeed there, for I felt imbued with His rays.

The Archangel said to me:

"I greet you." He nodded and said to me:

"Devout daughter burning with charity, God established in His

1) apostles,

2) prophets,

3) teachers,

and everything else He chose (17).

But you, in this world today, apostle and prophet, treat others
to the dictates of your heart; the Holy Spirit will guide

God has made known what is to happen tomorrow at dawn, by
giving witness to all
that you have seen and heard from Jesus
Christ, and to your having touched Him.

But woe to the world because of the fearless priests who fight and

God is angered by this refusal to obey and His anger is fierce.

But Jesus, the Gentle, the Wise, His Love is so great for men that He wants to save them in spite of everything, for this generation is the

most hypocritical and the most evil, but because of the passive priests and because the day has come when God must judge the world, He gives His Grace to all who listen to Him, and proclaims blessed those who make known His Message and put it into practice (18).

But you, Madeleine, who had the responsibility of transmitting it to
the priest, listen to him
and correspond with him.

Remain in the Peace that Jesus gave you, meditate in your heart
and pray, pray, for
Jesus weeps over the degradation of His Church."

The Archangel disappeared, and afterward, the rays which surrounded the Blessed Sacrament (19).



"Would you be so kind as to hand your manuscripts

to the priest designated by the man"

Friday, December 2, 1977, in the chapel

After the Light, rays came out of the Host and I heard a voice tell me:

"Would you be so kind as to hand your manuscripts to the priest designated by the man."

Which I did.



"Satan has been seducing you."

"You, Madeleine, who are the only visible sign of My Message, will not fall into error again"

Friday, February 3, 1978, 6:15 p.m.

I went to the chapel in the afternoon from 2 o'clock to 4 o'clock to adore Jesus. I returned there at 5:30 after giving the children a snack when they returned home from school.

I think I felt drawn to the chapel at this hour. I heard 6:15 strike at the church.

There was no one there but an older person, Mrs. L.

I trembled with joy, for I saw the Light take the place of the Blessed Sacrament, as on previous occasions; that is, there was neither Blessed Sacrament nor Altar.

Then Jesus appeared to me, His hands extended to welcome me.

I was so happy, for I had not seen Jesus in person since January 2, 1976 (the end of the novena).

Jesus said me:

"Make the Sign of the Cross."

He raised His eyes to Heaven, joined His hands at the height of His chest, and said:

"In the Name of My Heavenly Father, I come to put things in

Satan has been seducing you. After the ninth day of promises that I made to mankind, he came to make trouble for My Message. But listen carefully to this:

Jesus looked at me:

"When God the Father sends blessed Michael, the Light always precedes his coming, and remember My Words: evil spirits will come in My Name, who will seduce you and will even come into your houses as angels of light. Do not believe them, they induce you to err. Be on guard; you have been forewarned. You live in the time when Satan has been unleashed with all his power; but, the time is very near when I will be coming to conquer Evil."

Then Jesus lowered His hands to welcome me and said:

"You, Madeleine, who are the only visible sign of My Message,
will not fall into
error again.

Henceforth, I enjoin you to make the Sign of the Cross as soon
as a light appears to you".

Jesus looked at me again, smiled, and said:

"If it is Satan, at that very instant, everything will disappear."

Jesus smiled at me for a long time, then said:

"Peace remain with you."

And it was dark.

The Sisters had left to go to Mass at Brucourt; I assumed that the doors were locked, and I returned quickly to the house to write. I shut myself in the bathroom; this is the only door that locks.

I could hardly write, I was crying so much.

What sadness I felt in my heart; I had been seduced by Satan, and Jesus, in His great Kindness, had come to tell me.

How could I not have realized it? It's true that it was not my fault since I was not aware. That is probably why Jesus came to tell me, so that I would not fall for Satan's seduction again.

Jesus, the Gentle, the Wise, had come to save me through His great Kindness, His great Mercy.

He told me to make the Sign of the Cross each time that a light appeared to me.

I will never fail to do that.



"It is on this blessed and sacred mountain,

site chosen by Him, that all things will be renewed"

Friday, July 7, 1978, 2 p.m., in the chapel

The Light appeared to me in place of the Blessed Sacrament, a little larger than usual.

I made the Sign of the Cross right away, just like Jesus had asked last time, and I said:

"If this is Satan, disappear."

As soon as I had made the Sign of the Cross and said these words, I felt peace and confidence take hold of me.

Then Jesus appeared, smiled at me and said:

"Tell them what you see."

So, I repeated out loud what I saw:

"I see Jesus seated; before Him a table like the altar, but the altar which is in the chapel was not there anymore; this table was all white, like white stone.

On this table, books were open, six or seven, I don't know exactly. Then another book, also open, which Jesus held in His hands."

Next He told me:

"Would you be so kind as to say this aloud?"

I repeated each sentence:

"Beware, you who are concealing the prophetic Words which were given to you. The book that I hold in My Hands is the BOOK OF THE LIVING (20), which My Father has just given Me the power to open, and it is on this blessed and sacred mountain, the site chosen by Him, that all things will be renewed.

It is here that you will see the Holy City (21), the new Jerusalem.

And here will appear God's dwelling place among you. But then, those who fought and refused to hear the words spoken by this humble servant will strike their breasts.

You whom I asked to announce My Message are guilty of leaving the world in ignorance of what is to happen soon. Do not rely on your own thoughts. Why do you fight when I have given you My dogmatic Grace? For pity's sake, I am asking you to listen to Me. My Heart is overflowing with Mercy."

Jesus got up. The Table disappeared. He smiled at me for a long time, then He said:

"Tell the priest and all those you meet what you have just seen
and heard; you
will remember it all day."

Then, all of a sudden, Jesus disappeared, and I fell into darkness again.



"For the third time, Madeleine, I ask you to be My Apostle

by accomplishing the task which I asked of you.

Do not be afraid. You will be hated because of Me.

But afterward, sons of Light will spring up from this town"

Friday, October 6, 1978, 9:15 a.m. First Friday, in the chapel of the Sisters

As on nearly all school days, after driving my children to school, I went to the chapel to visit Christ in the


I arrived at 9 o'clock; I was alone.

At 9:15 exactly (the quarter hour strikes at the church), the Light appeared.

I thought of going to look for Sister Bruno, but I didn't have time: Jesus appeared to me, His hands held out to welcome me. He told me:

"Make the Sign of the Cross."

He smiled at me the whole time. Then, He joined His hands and said, with a sad look:

"Pray and do penance tirelessly."

He looked serious. He said in secret, for me:

"For the third time, Madeleine, I ask you to be My Apostle by
accomplishing the task
which I asked of you.

Do not be afraid. You will be hated because of Me.

But afterward, sons of Light will spring up from this town."

Then, after a silence:

"Today, you still see Me, but you will not see Me any more,
however I will continue to visit you in My Body and in My

After a silence:

"But when this Cross is raised from the ground, then you will see Me again, for, at that moment, I will unveil for the Churches the Mysteries which are written in the BOOK OF THE LIVING which has just been opened.

Tell the Bishop what you have just seen and heard."

Then, Jesus smiled at me and said:

"Despite My supplications, do not be worried, you possess a wisdom that no one else here below possesses; your calm and your silence are visible signs of My Word in this world where the dominating forces are action and fearlessness. May your face always reflect the Invisible Presence.

I tell you, obey your Superior. He, alone, is entrusted on this Earth to do the Will of My Father, but woe to the world in peril, for it is late."

Afterward, Jesus smiled at me and disappeared (22).



"Saint Michael, the Archangel:

'Because of the disobedience of priests,

Jesus gives His Grace to all who will make His Message known' "

Father L'Horset and I decided to make a novena with some friends.

Nine days later, August 16, 1982, Feast of the Transfiguration

I saw the Light. I made the sign of the Cross as Jesus had asked.

Then, I saw Saint Michael, the Archangel a little to the left of the Tabernacle. He said to me:

"I greet you,

God, in His great Kindness, has sent me to witness to the truth...

After the nine days of promises made to mankind, Satan seduced
you until
my coming the first day of the seventh month (23).

The rumbling that you heard was I, Michael, descending from
God's side
in Heaven to hunt down the evil spirit which was
pursuing you.

It is because of this that you didn't see the Light which was

My imitator comes from earth, but because of THE DISOBEDlENCE of priests, Jesus gives His Grace to all who will make His Message known, for the world must not remain any longer in ignorance of what is to take place tomorrow AT DAWN.

Pray, do penance, the moment is very near when the imitator
will be
trampled under foot."

And everything disappeared.


(13) Madeleine, accompanied by Suzanne, took the message to the Mayor who welcomed them most warmly, then contacted the priest. Return.

(14) cf. 47th Apparition, February 3, 1978 and 50th Apparition, August 6, 1982. Return.

(15) This exclusion is not Christian. Return.

(16) In the first French edition (Sept. 94), Gérard wrote (cf. p. 41) : "Following the coming of St Michael Dec. 10, 76, (_51), Madeleine had the vision of 3 crosses and the elimination of 2 extremes". The project has opted for a base diameter of 42 m and 288 m (123 + 42 + 123) for the pavement (not 21 and 60 m). "One can see the possibility, with some adjustment in the assembly, of building the Cross with 7 square frames of 41 m for the cross beam + ... 18 squares of total height. At the summit, the diameter will be 41 m. Return.

(17) cf. 1 Cor. 12, 28. Return.

(18) cf. Decree from the lay Apostolate ch. 1, _ 3. Return.

(19) Father L'Horset, named by his Bishop, left the Dozulé Parish. And Madeleine corresponded with him as Jesus asked her to do. Return.

(20) cf. Exodus 32:33; Psalm 68:29; Daniel 7:10, 10:21, 12:1-14; Malchius 3:16; Sirach 24:32; Philippians 4:3; Revelation 3:5, 5:1, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12, 21:27. Return.

(21) cf. Revelation 21 and 22. Return.

(22) At Dozulé, one morning in 1978, the big stone cross fell down. Christ's arms and legs were broken. Return.

(23) From Jan. 3, 76 to July 1, 77. Return.


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